
Lamplighter programme

Lamplighter programme Our Lamplighter employee programme was started more than a decade ago to improve nutrition, fitness and mental resilience of employees. A dedicated Medical & Occupational Health (M&OH) team along with the Human Resource (HR) department of the company

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Stress: 10 Ways to Ease Stress

Stress refers to your body’s reaction to challenges and demands. Stress can be positive or negative and there are healthy ways to deal with it. Sleeping well is important in stress management.


Principles of Healing and Growth Management

By Swami Sukhabhogananda The Principles of Healing and Growth Management is a workshop that asks each participant to delve deep within themselves and break free of long-established mind and body patterns. It


The Great Hyderabad Cyclothon 2020

Hyderabad Bicycling Club and SmartBike are hosting a cyclothon: The Great Hyderabad Cyclothon 2020. Let’s take the pledge that we are going to Encourage Cycling for Healthy Living and Commute on Cycle wherever


Inner Engineering- A Yogi’s Guide to Joy

by Sadhguru Inner Engineering is a fascinating read, rich with Sadhguru’s insights and his teachings. If you are ready, it is a tool to help awaken your own inner intelligence, the ultimate

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